Ninety Nine

Since 2019, I have been part of the Product team that have designed and built from scratch the neo-broker Ninety Nine, an app and its web version that break down the the barriers to entry to the investment market, such as high fees and complexity. Working in a startup from its inception offers a unique opportunity to gain significant experience in how a product and a company is built from the ground up. You always have multiple roles within your position, you are always responsible for more than just the role as product designer. It is an aspect that I have always liked about working in a startup. Working in a project from scratch also means being able to be flexible and embrace change. You learn to be comfortable with constant change and to develop more initiative and self responsibility. Being part of a startup from its inception you see how you contribute directly to the success of the product and the company, it offers a much more complete experience of what it really means to build a digital product.

Ninety Nine
Project Type:
Product Design



My work lives at the intersection of design & psychology. 

Placing emphasis on analysis phase (research, understand and ideation). Making impossible to ignore the human side in the development of technology.

When designers are asked to solve problems unable to pay attention to users (their cognitive reasoning, their behavior, their context, their problems or motivations…) the design is prevented from being more useful or usable than it was to be with.

And what I really want designing is usefulness and delightfulness. 

Ninety Nine
Product Design
Product Design
Ideation & prototyping
Le Guide Noir
Ideation & prototyping
Product Design